Pallas' Cat in Iran Afghanistan Pakistan Uzbekistan Kazakhstan

Pallas' Cat in Kazakhstan

In the following map,

markers point to locations where Pallas' Cats were recorded after 2000;

the anted markers indicate areas where they were sighted prior to the turn of the century. For further information about individual locations : click on the marker to zoom in.


  1. Barashkova, A., Smelansky, I., Tomilenko, A. 2016. Pallas’ Cat conservation status in the Zaissan Lake area – covering blanks. Final report on results of investigations on Pallas’s Cat in eastern Kazakhstan in 2015–2016. Sibecocenter, Novosibirsk.
  2. Grachev, Yu. A. 1996. Manul. In: Sludskii, A. A., Bykov, B. A. Krasnaya Kniga Kazakhstana, Tom 1 Zhivotnye, Chast´ 1 Pozvonochnye [Red Book of Kazakhstan. Volume 1. Animals, Part 1. Vertebrates]. Nacionalnaya Akademia Nauk, Almaty. Pp. 240–241.